Mata Kuliah Program Studi Doktoral (S-3) Teknologi Industri Pertanian
No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | Status | SKS |
1 | TPI 8101 | Filsafat Ilmu (Philosophy of Science) | W | 3 |
2 | TPI 8102 | Pengembangan Ilmu dan Komunikasi Ilmiah (Science Development and Communication Skill) |
W | 3 |
3 | TPI 8203 | Metode Spesifik Evaluasi Mutu (Special Methods of Quality Evaluation) |
P | 3 |
4 | TPI 8204 | Kebijakan dan Strategi Pembangunan Agroindustri (Agroindustrial building strategic and development policy) |
P | 3 |
5 | TPI 8205 | Perancangan Produk, Proses, dan Agroindustri Terintegrasi (Integrated Product, Process, and Agroindustrial Design) |
P | 3 |
6 | TPI 8206 | Persoalan Kritis Indikasi Geografis Produk Agro (Emerging Issues in Agro-Geographical Indication Product) |
P | 3 |
7 | TPI 8207 | Pemodelan dan Simulasi Sistem Agroindustri Lanjut (Advance Agroindustrial System Modelling and Simulation) |
P | 3 |
8 | TPI 8208 | Ranah Kekinian Teknologi dan Bahan Kemas untuk Produk Mudah Rusak (New areas in Material and Technology Packaging for Perishable Goods) |
P | 3 |
9 | TPI 8209 | Manajemen Agro-industri (Agro-industrial Management) |
P | 3 |
10 | TPI 8210 | Sistem Produksi Terintegrasi untuk Agroindustri (Integrated Production Systems for Agroindustry) |
P | 3 |
11 | TPI 8211 | Pengembangan sumberdaya dan konversi bioorganisme pada agroindustri ke depan (Bioresources and conversion for future trend agroindustry) |
P | 3 |
12 | TPI 8212 | Lingkungan Keberlanjutan untuk Agroindustri (Sustainable environment for agroindustry) |
P | 3 |
13 | TPI 8213 | Teknologi dan Manajemen Rantai Pasok Agroindustri (Technologies and Management for Agro-industrial Supply Chain) |
P | 3 |
14 | TPI 8214 | Contemporary Issues 1 | P | 3 |
15 | TPI 8215 | Contemporary Issues 2 | P | 3 |
16 | TPI 8116 | Seminar Proposal | W | 1 |
17 | TPI 8116 | Seminar Hasil 1-3 | W | 3 |
18 | TPI 8117 | Disertasi | W | 28 |
Total SKS Wajib | 38 | |||
Total SKS Pilihan | 39 |